2801 N Harwood St #1600
Dallas, TX 75201

Cost: Free meal is provided.
Location: O’Melveny & Myers, LLP, 2801 North Harwood St, Suite 1600, Dallas, TX 75201
Parking Details:
The landlord has installed a license plate reader and new gate system. All guests need to provide their info ahead of time so the gate opens promptly for each car rather than using the touchpad (it will cause a backup) and OMM can validate the parking. Please RSVP by Fri afternoon prior to the Tue lunch and OMM will email each registrant a Venpark link a day before the luncheon.
The parking garage is above ground in the same building, and it is free to park in the garage. Garage entrance is located off Harry Hines Blvd. on the left – this is the West side of the building. Drive up the ramp and park in any non-reserved spot in the garage. Take the garage elevators to the building lobby. Inform building security that you are a visitor at O’Melveny & Myers, and they will give you access to the 16th floor in the building elevators. Someone will direct you to our meeting room on the 16th floor when you come out of the elevators.
Registration: RSVP here please CLICK HERE
Thank you to our lunch and venue sponsor, Jason Schumacher and the O’Melveny & Myers law firm. They have offered to provide us with a consistent meeting space so we’re trying this location out for a few months. We will target 1 hour luncheons with arriving/self-serving lunch at 11:30am with a speaker starting by noon with a 20-30 minute session. There is flexibility for those interested in staying late to enjoy conversation. Inviting industry colleagues is encouraged!
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