In 1991, a drilling engineer Jim Teague, and a salesman, John Bird, decided to host a breakfast in order to get to know other Christians in the oil industry. Only advertised by word of mouth, remarkably 46 men and women showed up at 6 AM for the first meeting! Everyone enjoyed the camaraderie so much they decided to meet monthly for lunch, thus the Oilfield Christian Fellowship was founded and within a few months, as many as 250 were attending.
“…our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus
Christ.” 1 John 1:3
Today OCF luncheons and dinners are held in Canada, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Wyoming, and Pennsylvania, with more chapters in the making. Here speakers share how they came to know Christ and what He is doing in their lives. Because of this, thousands of men and women have been encouraged, lives have changed and many have accepted Christ for the first time.
In the summer of 2000, a Bible ministry began whereby oilfield employees were be supplied with Bibles in the language of the country where they were sent. To date, over 250,000 Bibles have been hand-carried to 61 countries, in 30 languages. In September of 2003, John was inspired to create a custom-made oilfield Bible which he named “God’s Word for the Oil Patch, Fuel for the Soul.” Twelve months later, he and Bible supply chairman and drilling engineer Mike Chaffin had designed the first of its kind Bible specifically for the oil industry. Along with the two NLT Testaments, it contains 58 pages of testimonies and commentary from president to rig hands. (“In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.” PR 16:9)

The scripture, “As iron sharpens Iron, so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17 is more than fitting for the various ministries of the OCF in general and each chapter. From facilitating the first Oilfield Chapel in Big Piney, Wyoming , providing a new truck and trailer to take God’s Word and love into the fields around Wamsutter, Wyoming each day, intern appreciation luncheons, campus leadership forums, to the Oklahoma City chapter raising a quarter of a million dollars for the City Rescue Mission, God has truly inspired and used the OCF.
A monthly newsletter is sent to nearly 4000 and each year a prayer breakfast is held in Houston during an oil conference, with as many as 900 in attendance and other breakfasts are being held around the country as well.

The OCF Bible App contains testimonies in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Mandarin Chinese in audio and print that are part of the Oil Patch Bible. The App also contains links to OCF social media and website. The App also houses an audio Bible that has over 1200 languages available to read or listen.