There are dozens of Bible verses directing us to Know God, to learn and draw close to Him. Intimacy with God comes through prayer and reading the Bible. The Bible is the literal Word of God and as such to…
There are dozens of Bible verses directing us to Know God, to learn and draw close to Him. Intimacy with God comes through prayer and reading the Bible. The Bible is the literal Word of God and as such to…
Unemployed? God has a plan for you – Do not be discouraged - By John Bird The theme for the Prayer Breakfast this year was "For I know the plans I have for you.” taken from the passages found in…
Are We Glorifying God With Our Bodies? By Kevin Lum Pastor of Student Ministries, Glenwood Baptist Church in Knoxville, TN Former Rig Electrician with Ensco International …
Say Can You See? This story begins with the classic oilfield line "You won't believe this, but...". For several years, we have led small teams to Northwest Nicaragua on evangelical and technical missions for safe water supply. Each trip requires…
OCTOBER DEVOTION: Live and Not Die By Charlotte Holt I’ve come to brag on God! Since I’ve had Pneumonia the devil has been working me over, telling me I’m going to die, even though others have given me the Scripture…
WHEN GOD CALLS By Kevin Lum I’ve been weighing my options for this post for quite some time, meditating and soul-searching for the best way to say what I feel; in fact, I struggled quite a bit. God gave me…
Called to Love Our Neighbors In a very fallen and broken world, it is very important that we as Christians help those less fortunate and help bring them to know our Almighty Savior! Never forget that all souls are worthy…
Who Does the Dirty Work? Phillip F Dore, CPL, Oilpatch Chaplain Throughout my career, I have often been asked the difference between a field landman and a company landman. I often replay that it is like the difference between the…
The new 40 day Devotional Journey book is now available. Go to the Contact Us link and contact Mike Chaffin to order your Books today. The prices vary depending on quantity ordered.
HOW JOSEPH SAVED CHRISTMAS When Joseph woke up, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded and took Mary as his wife.But he did not have sexual relations with her until her son was born. And Joseph named him…